Wild ride!

So, 6 days post-op (monday 4.4.16), my husband stayed home with Eider to monitor him and test out the soft sided cone, etc.  Well, he was pooping at some point and cried out, spun around and tried to bite at his bum.  He also was avoiding urinating.  Called the vet and he wanted to see him asap.

So, hubby drove him back to AU after less than 48 hours at home and he stayed there for evaluation until this past Thursday night.  He came around quickly and they switched from the Tramadol to the Gabapentin and offered him canned food and some close monitoring for a few days.  We were able to pick him up Thursday night.  He was a different dog!  Getting around better and just happier in general.

Biopsy results were also in last Thursday:  Osteosarcoma (cue tragic music).  They felt they got good margins (inconclusive), but we all know Osteo likes to lurk.  So, vet felt he was strong enough to start chemo the next week.  Fast forward to that….

He had carboplatin yesterday.  Sutures still in.  Seems to be feeling GREAT!  He tried to jump on the deck, we think, because he has a nasty bruise on his inner thigh.  The vet wasn’t crazy about it and since we couldn’t confirm origin, she did a needle aspirate.  A few white blood cells, but not much to worry about.  I did a warm compress last night and will do the same tonight.

Meanwhile, we’ve done A LOT of porch sittin’!  He loves to be outside, so we make margaritas and relax any chance we get.  He is not crated anymore and not wearing his harness unless traveling or going for a walk.  Which, he still really likes!  We only went 4 houses down for first walk last night.

Here is a video of him with his favorite dragon toy.  Enjoy!

Eider dragon

Author: eider515

Eider is 6 years old. British Lab. Bone cancer (type/grade) unknown of the right ischeum/pelvis. Hemipelvectomy 3.29.16

4 thoughts on “Wild ride!”

  1. Thanks for the update! FYI: The best way to share videos is to post them on Youtube first, then you can just paste the link to embed it in your posts so users don’t have to download the movie file to watch it. Uploading video files is a quick way to consume your free upload quota too! Check out your default first post, or watch the Help videos for more helpful blog tips.

  2. Oh gosh Eider! Talk about the “ups and downs” of recovery! WOW! You certainly are a good example of that!

    So glad ro hear you seem to be over all those hurdles now and well on the way to being Eider again! 🙂

    Gonna co.e back and watch the video later. Having tavlet issues right now!

    Such a great update! Keep em coming! Enjoy your margaritas!


    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  3. Oh Eider! Stop trying to jump! Silly boy! He looks really good..so glad to hear he’s doing well.

  4. So glad to hear he’s doing and feeling better. Eider lets just do some smooth sailing with no more bumpy waters ok sweet boy? He looks great!
    Linda, Riley & Spirits Ollie & Mighty Max

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