Something was “off”….



In early March 2016, our 6 year old male, neutered Labrador Retriever was having trouble defecating.  We assumed he was constipated and brushed it off, when he finally pooped a day or so later.  A week went by of “life”…work, nightly walks (so we weren’t seeing his poops in the light), etc.  The next weekend, he was having trouble again.  When he finally pooped, it came out in a flat, ribbon-like shape.  So, Tuesday March 22nd, I was growing concerned that he might have an enlarged prostate OR an anal sac/gland issue.  I arranged to take off work Wednesday March 23rd to take him to our vet.  Dr. Syms came in to see us and I told him my thoughts and he took Eider back for a rectal exam.  He came back a little too fast and said “I need to take X-rays.”  I said “go for it”.  After a bit, Dr. Syms came back in and said,

“I don’t have anything good to say to you.”

…and directed me out to the computer monitors to see the x-ray.

There it was:  a softball size mass on the inside of his pelvic bone.  A cloudy monster pushing on his rectum.  Hence the flat poop.  *sigh*

We live in Alabama and he said “Do you want to go to Auburn? [University]”  I said “make the appointment”.  He came back and said “Monday at 11am”.

I called my husband and told him to come home from work.  We immediately took some valuables of the 2nd amendment variety and sold them to a pawn shop.  We bought a GoPro camera and filmed our dogs non-stop for the next 5 days.  We had so much fun!  Lots of swimming, fetching, car rides, napping, chilling’.  You name it, we filmed it.

Monday came around and we arrived at Auburn University Veterinary Hospital aka Bailey Small Animal Hospital.

Car Ride to Auburn Car snugles


We met with an Oncology resident, a 4th year student, a Surgical Resident and a Surgical Oncology Attending-Dr. Matz.  They ordered more x-rays to check the lungs and also did a CT scan.  No visible metasteses, but the tumor was very large and in a bad location.  The only action to take was a “Right mid to caudal partial pelvectomy” aka Hemipelvectomy.  They scheduled him for the next day and we left our little baby man in their care.

Tuesday morning crawled by and they told us he was going under the knife at 1pm.  The surgeons had anticipated a 4 hour procedure so we kept waiting for a call.  5pm came and went.  Then 6pm.

Then 7pm.  The phone finally rang.  He was out of surgery and it went well!  I sat down in the kitchen floor and sobbed into a dish towel while hubs called the GrandPawrents to let them know.

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were all met with phone calls from Katie, the 4th year offering us great reports of his recovery.  He was sweet, albeit a little exuberant and was ready to tackle life on 3 legs!

We scheduled to pick him up Saturday 4.2.16 and we couldn’t wait!  I gathered advice from the TriPawd family and we went into action Friday night:

-rugs on all surfaces

-baby gate to block off bedroom side of the house

-mattress on floor in den so we can all sleep in the same room, but not have to walk so far!

-Ruffwear harness adjusted and boxer shorts neatly folded

-blankets and towels washed and ready

-favorite toy washed and, well… put away for now HA!

All we had to do was pretend to sleep and then go pick up our little man.  So, that’s what we did next…

Author: eider515

Eider is 6 years old. British Lab. Bone cancer (type/grade) unknown of the right ischeum/pelvis. Hemipelvectomy 3.29.16

6 thoughts on “Something was “off”….”

  1. Great to see pictures of the pack! I hope getting him home today goes smoothly and he settles in comfortably.

    Karen and the Spirit Pug Girls

  2. You guys were well prepared for homecoming. Oh my goodness what a journey you are on. Please keep us posted on the final diagnosis and know that Tripawd Nation supports you and his here for you 24/7.

    Julie and Buddy

  3. Thank you for sharing the story. I hope bringing him home goes smooth. Thank you for sharing all the pictures.
    I love the care that they get at teaching hospitals and they call you 2xs a day at least K-state did when I had my girls spayed & gastropies done.

    If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

  4. Such beautiful dogs! Clearly great buddies!!

    And that first picture with those lovely eyes that look straight i nto your Soul…stunning, just stunning!!

    Looking forward to your next update!

    Oh, you forgot one thing on your terrific “prep” list…CHOCOLATE, lots of CHOCOLATE! It helps calm the nerves!

    Hugs to all!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  5. They are both beautiful dogs! I’ve been following your journey, but this brought tears to my eyes! I guess it’s the telling of it that always brings back the hearing of it 🙂

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